New Learning Venue!
Starting in February 2023, all our Learning and Family Learning sessions will be at 1st Corringham Scout Group.
VENUE DETAILS: 1st Corringham Scout Group
We’re excited to enjoy a new space in our community, after all the hard work that has been invested into this building by the Corringham Scout team. They have raised money and put in lots of working-hours to create a space to serve our town, which we will now benefit from.
Kingdom Keys
It is double exciting to be given a set of keys in the weeks building up to our Prayer Week, ‘Kingdom Keys’. Where we will creatively explore with expectancy the call of God on our lives to pray for breakthrough. To open and close doors. To bind and loosen things in heaven and earth.
Read more on Prayer Week, and book your slots!
Jon collects the keys from 1st Corringham Scout Group